15A05711 Mobile Application Laboratory

15A05711 Mobile Application Development Laboratory

Exercise 1

         1a. Installation of Android SDK-Download

         1b. SET-UP JAVA DEVELOPMENT KIT (JDK)-Download

Exercise 2

          2a. Create Android Virtual Device Manager-Download

          2b. Create the New Android project-Download

          2c. "Hello World" Sample Android program-Download

Exercise 3

          3a. Create the android program using Checkboxes-Download

          3b. Create the android program using Edit Text-Download

          3c. Create the android program using Radio Button-Download

          3d. Create the android program using Spinner-Download

          3e. Life cycle Activity-Download


Exercise 4

          4a. Create the android program using linear layout-Download

          4b. Create the android program using media(.mp3) files-Download

          4c. Create the android program using video files-Download

Exercise 5

          5a. Create the android program using Custom toolbar-Download

          5b. Create the android program using Toolbar with dropdown list Options-Download
