
Showing posts from October, 2019


Transport Layer Protocol             Cryptography, Network Security - Download


Data Link Layer Data Link Control           Framing, Flow control and Error control, Noiseless channel and Noisy channel Protocol, HDLC, Point-To-Point Protocol(PPP) - Download Switching           Datagram Networks, Virtual Circuit Networks, Structure of a Switch - Download Error Detection and Correction           Types of Error, Methods of Error detection, Error Correction - Download

15A05711 Mobile Application Laboratory

15A05711 Mobile Application Development Laboratory Exercise 1          1a. Installation of Android SDK- Download          1b. SET-UP JAVA DEVELOPMENT KIT (JDK)- Download Exercise 2           2a. Create Android Virtual Device Manager- Download           2b. Create the New Android project- Download           2c. "Hello World" Sample Android program- Download Exercise 3           3a. Create the android program using Checkboxes- Download           3b. Create the android program using Edit Text- Download           3c. Create the android program using Radio Button- Download           3d. Create the android program using Spinner- Download           3e. Life cycle Activity- Download            Exercise 4           4a. Create the android program using linear layout- Download           4b. Create the android program using media(.mp3) files- Download           4c. Create the android program using video files- Download Exercise 5

15A05703 - Mobile Application Development

15A05703 - Mobile Application Development Mobile Application Development  Notes - UNIT 1 Click Here for Download Mobile Application Development  Notes - UNIT 2 Click Here for Download Mobile Application Development  Notes - UNIT 3 Part 1 Click Here for Download Mobile Application Development  Notes - UNIT 3 Part 2 Click Here for Download Mobile Application Development  Notes - UNIT 4  Click Here for Download Mobile Application Development  Notes - UNIT 5  Click Here for Download